
Exam Preparation - IELTS/PTE/OET/TOEIC/Cambridge B2 and C1

Duration 1 Week
Course type IELTS
Country New Zealand


Price international

Please note: amounts shown are indicative and estimates only.


Programme overview

WIE's IELTS Preparation Course is a course for intermediate to advanced learners, which develops skills and strategies for both English language and for IELTS success. The course aims to prepare students with the skills and strategies needed to undertake the IELTS test with confidence and succeed in achieving the score you require. The course will give you intensive practice in each module, making sure you know exactly how to make best use of your time. You will do practice tests in each skill under exam conditions and specialist teachers will give you feedback on your performance to help you improve.

OET preparation Courses combines intensive English instruction with content and situational lessons from healthcare fields with specific practice on OET tasks in all skill areas. Emphasis is on developing proficiency level English with special emphasis on pronunciation, and fluency and accuracy of spoken and written communication. Students learn to write referral letters, and develop an understanding of appropriate functional language to manage taking patient histories.

TOEIC preparation course will help you improve your test-taking skills and your overall TOEIC score. The course is taught by highly-qualified native teachers and focuses on all four skills of listening, reading, writing, plus essential grammar, vocabulary, and general communication skills. Students will review and practice all aspects of TOEIC using text books, semi-structured group discussions and supplementary materials provided by the teacher.

Course Content
Entry requirements